A woman after my own planet...

Maggi Dawn's thinking about selling her car to help reduce her household ecological footprint. As a non-car-owner, I've posted a comment to hopefully encourage her.

Obviously, you have to be more organised about living and traveling than car owners, but I do love having the view from the train window, rather than the blue signs of the motorway, for example. And if God's love really does go at 3mph (walking pace) then even a trip to Sainsburys or a trudge to work can be divine.


1 i z said...

Well there you go, never knew you didn't have a car. Good on you!

Glad you find the trudge from the supermarket 'divine' though, as I'd started to feel guilty for not offering you a lift from Sainsburys last time we met...I'd just assumed you had wheels.

LauraHD said...

No worries! Not a problem - and you honestly do get used to it. I know that might be hard to believe!

I know that we're lucky enough to have lives that mean we don't have to have own a car. Not that easy for other for work, family, other reasons...