
We're suspending the sending of Christmas cards and presents at Sanctus1 this year in favour of farming! No, silly - not moving to the Good Life or the country but buying a farm from Send A Cow.

They say, "You may like to give a farmyard in your own name, or perhaps you could encourage your church, club or workplace to raise £2,000 that will bring a secure future to upto 250 people currently trapped in poverty. Your symbolic Christmas farmyard will be distributed over all the countries in Africa where Send a Cow works."

With our £2000 we're buying ....
10 cows
2 pairs of goats
A team of oxen
3 sheep
4 flocks of poultry
5 hives of bees
600 fruit tree saplings
7 days of training
8 rabbits

And I'll try and post a picture of fabulous farmyard (made by Mary and Sarah) as it fills up week by week. You can pledge at Tues/ Wed evenings and any Sanctus service between now and Christmas.


Advent coming...

Here's a good idea - an Advent blog. Almost as good as a calendar... Go see.

Snow in Manchester

It's snowing and here's a picture of our street. Gonna take Jude out to build his first snow man when he wakes from his nap...

Vigil for World AIDS day

Sanctus1 along with the other city centre churches are having a vigil for World AIDS day. The Vigil is on Tuesday 29th from 6 pm - 7 pm in St. Anns. There will also be a prayer station in St. Anns and Methodist Central Hall over the next few days for people to pray for those affected by HIV and AIDS.

Credo - An exploration into belief

This Sunday at 8pm we have a Sanctus1 service. It's called credo and starts at 8 pm in Sacred Trinity.


While reading an article on Constructivism, an approach to social science, I found this footnote on emergence, which interested me...

"Emergence, an increasingly important concept in physics, meant that physical and biological systems are partly indeterminate (even though they respond to laws); accordingly, once they cross a threshold of complexity, they can spontaneously organize themsleves into more complex, self-sustaining and self-reproducing structures. 'Weather is an emergent property; take your water vapour out over the Gulf of Mexico and let it interact with sunlight and wind, and it can organize itself into an emergent structure known as a hurricane. Life is an emergent property, the product of DNA molecules and protein molecules and myriad other kinds of molecules, all obeying the laws of chemistry' (Waldrop, 1992:82; see also Kauffman, 1995:24*). In the social world I take emergence to mean that 'in contrast to the past which is closed, as it were, the future is still open to influence; it is not yet completely determined' (Popper, 1982a:56, 130*). In other words, the social world is emergent because we humans can reflectively and ofter suprisingly affect it with formulated human knowledge. Metaphorically speaking, then, human knowledge can produce instabilities that generate the propensity for self-organization."
(Emanueal Adler (1997) "Seizing the Middle Ground: Constructivism in World Politics" European Journal of International Relations 3:3)

I think it's the idea of complexity and the effect that people's ideas have on what would otherwise be a fairly straightforward social development. Does this have any relationship to the emergence of churches?

*Not referneced in full for reasons of brevity but I can if you like

Baumen interview

Baumen was interviewd in the Guardian last week and I've been meaning to blog about it for a while...anyway here it is, fascinating that he starts with the book of Job and includes a fantastic quote from a polish proverb, "Guest in the house - God in the house. Eat! " How's that for hospitality!

Thatcher era in graphs

How cool is this BBC Thatcherite graph machine?...

My fave so far is coal production vs VCR ownership.

Our watery hopes and prayers for Jude, and Ben and Ruth

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Welcome to Jude's baptism... the service will start shortly.

Well I said I'd post a couple of photos but just haven't had time till now.

These shots were taken by Al Lomax (ta matey!) and really just give a flavour of the service itself, more than listing content and ideas...

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National Gathering in Manchester

National Gathering, Manchester, 24-26 February 2006

A unique national gathering for those actively involved in emerging / alt worship expressions within the United Kingdom.
The weekend will be interactive, aiming to be a catalyst where the focus will revolve around:
Providing a forum for the exchange of knowledge and practices, encouraging collaboration and learning from one another.
Reflecting theologically where we are at, where we have come from and mapping a possible future.
Examining cultural practices and considering how the movement may be of greater significance to those around.

The weekend will run from Friday 8 pm through to Sunday 1.30 (there is an optional lunch 1.30
Cost: £40 (not including meals)
Places limited to 100 so please book early.
The weekend has been planned by a group of involved in various emerging / alt worship expressions.
If you are interested in going please email and we will send you a booking form and more details

Lambeth and the Tate

I'm still in London and have been at a meeting all day at Lambeth Palace. Jane Williams spoke this morning...she was fascinating.

It's a beautiful winter evening and I've got a couple of hours to kill before another meeting so I've walked along the side of the thames down to the Tate Modern to visit the turbine hall. It's got the installation by Rachel Whiteread installation Embankment in it. I'm currently blogging from the floor in the centre of it, surrounded by these huge sugar cubes!!


Last night's blah seemed to go well, basically i went through some of the changes that are going on within wider culture re. re-enchantment, then looked at 'occulture'. Occulture is a word that has been used by Prof. Chris Partridge at University college Chester in his book "The Re-enchantment of the West'. He takes the word Occult and broadens it out to include all things new age and then looks at the way that this has influenced contemporary culture. I used a couple of examples - A Prayer for England by Sinead O'Conner and Massive Attack, within which sinead prays to 'Jah' - God within Rastafarianism. Also looked at some of Paulo Cohelo's writing.

Then we looked at revised cultural correlation theory before specifically looking at the MBS festival in Manchester city centre. Particularly exploring at The Jesus Deck, Everyday Angels, Healing and prophecy...All fascinating stuff.

I think that it is excellent that Sanctus1 have a stand at MBS but also think that the smaller festivals that are far more local and probably a better way to go in regard to mission. Also had a interesting conversation with Paul Thaxter for CMS regarding how we discern where the spirit of God is working in this context, and i guess what is not of God...There is a danger that we sacralize the new age movement and say that it is a movement of God and fail to discern the negative trends that are within this culture too.

blah... tonight

I'm speaking at blah... tonight, then I'm in London for a couple of days catching up with a few people and at meetings. May blog if i can find some wifi in the big smoke...

Hot chocolate sells out!

...well nearly. After a very successful night cafe at Nexus on Saturday we ran out of whipped cream and marshmellows, to the disappointment of chocolate starved night clubbers(!) Will people still be wanting chocolate, coffees etc once the controversial licensing act comes into action a week tomorrow? Apparantly less than 1% of drinking establisments have actually applied to be open 24 hours, but a fair number have seeked to stay open a little later. One can only wait and see to discover the effects that this will have in our communities. For us here at Nexus it is providing a rather exciting time, including a visit from a film crew this Saturday night. By being a non-alcholic city centre venue, currently open later than most pubs and clubs on a Saturday, we fly in the face of the binge drink culture. People actually enjoy talking to their friends over a hot chocolate - who'd have thought!

Water, water everywhere...

I was kind of waiting for Ben to maybe post something here about Jude’s baptism, which took place on Sunday at Sacred Trinity as part of our monthly Sanctus2nds service. But in lieu of anything that he might post later in the week, I just wanted to write a bit about it here (as one of the proud godmothers!).

I’m sure that some photos and more words might go up here tonight or this week. In the meantime, make do with a photo of the Frank water that we baptised Jude in as part of the service. Lovely bods those Frank people - efficient, friendly, delighted that we were using their water for something so special... They were at Greenbelt too!

Anyway, go see them - Posted by Picasa

Priest Idol

I’m sure that much wordage in the blogosphere shall be used to describe, discuss and dissect this piece of Channel 4 progamming.

The blurb reads: “A church in Yorkshire is in crisis. If the new vicar is to fill the pews, he’ll need all the help he can get.” He's a young American priest moving to Barnsley, say not much more... The show started its three-week series last night.

But I can’t resist putting up my two words here… patronising crap. For everyone involved, but especially directed by the programme makers (and editors) at the people of Lundwood, where it was filmed.

Really Channel 4 – I’ve come to expect better of you.



Go here to read and contemplate David Cannadine’s great opinion-piece on the benefit, varieties and scarcity of silence.

But do it quietly for goodness sake...

Ninja tune videos

People are often asking me where we get the videos from that we use in Sanctus1. One of my favourite sites is the ninja tunes site. The herbaliser video for something wicked has seaming (from sanctus1) singing on it and you can also check out homelife - her band.

I've used Funki Porcini's video 'The great divide' with a call to worship being said on top of it, and i may use the Hexstatic video distorted mind (ft. Juice Aleem) at next weeks blah. If you look through them and find any other good ones then let me know...

times they are a changing...

I turned up about 30 mins late for a meeting yesterday with Jude (our little boy), I sat down and looked up to see 5 women ministers and me with the baby!!

"Lie with me" the title of an art illustration in Piccadilly Gardens (where Private Sanctuary used to be). The artist invites you to lie with her (on condition that you remove your shoes). It explores the connection through our feelings with each other as human beings without necessary talking to each other, but just being with each other. The experience got me thinking about our connections and encounters with others: where are the places of encounter in today's society? can they be created or can they only emerge? Anyway, I thoroughly recommend the exhibition!

Sanctus2nds:Jude's Baptism

Sanctus2nds is an intergenerational service that Sanctus1 run every 2nd Sunday, this Sunday it's in Sacred Trinity and is Jude's (our little boy) baptism.

The service starts at 3pm and all people are welcome.

Sanctus2nds will also feature an under 5's play space.

BBH and Holidays

I've was away on holiday last week and then speaking at the BBH conference this week, so apologies that i've been rather quiet on the blogging front.

The BBH conference was good, I spoke on Santus1, emerging missiology and the MBS fair - all seemed to go well. Roy Searle from the Northumbria Community was also there and made a couple of throw away comments that really stimulated my thinking. Firstly, we need to get away from the thinking of being purpose-driven, Christ was not purpose-driven but purpose-led. We are driven too much in our life's and hence we suffer from burnout etc. and fail to have time just to be...

Secondly, Roy said 'he used to call people dropping out of churches 'backsliders', he now identifies them as a movement of God...

Met a few interesting people and heard about something called 'space' down near Eastbourne, a group who seem to be doing some really creative things in their early stages of life...