
Last night - Gujarati Ras, Sideways, and a cheeky bottle of Rioja. Good job it wasn't Merlot...

(Going into a restaurant on a double date)
Jack: If they want to drink Merlot, we're drinking Merlot. Miles: No, if anyone orders Merlot, I'm leaving. I am NOT drinking any Merlot!

A slightly melancholy buddy road trip film about love, wine snobbery, grapes, loneliness, love, Californian wineries, sex, marriage, and love. Posted by Picasa


Intranet Team said...

Crazy coincidences - we were watching that same film last night too.

And we were drinking Merlot. (True story).

I thought it tasted quite nice...

LauraHD said...

Crazy coincidence indeed!

Ending friendships - yep can see that.

Death? Ok, not sure why but would be intrigued to find out more...

Ben said...

we've just got this from amazon dvd rental...i wonder if it was the one that you had...we've not got the merlot ...yet!