Sanctus Seconds

We're going to run an earlier service in April to complement the 8 o'clock service; called Sanctus Seconds. We had our first planning meeting for it today, very organised I know! I'm quite excited about it, the aim is to open the sanctus1 experience up to people of all generations. Sanctus1 services currently start at 8pm and the timing means that certain people can't come.

There's going to be a cafe space, creative space, prayer space and communion within it, it's a real challenge to make the service open to all, It'll be at Sacred Trinity and we're going to review it after the first one and see where we go next.

Small steps to change the world...

After the sessions that we did this week exploring the links between arts and justice, quite a few people asked me about the project that I'm part of - Greenbelt's Year of Living Generously - which we had mentioned.

It's a community experiment based on a shared instinct, that perhaps if we act together, as an intentional community, we might start to notice how powerful a force for good we can be. Maybe we could all begin to live more consciously – of our environment, of our fellow global citizens, of our own health, of our presence on God’s good earth.

Maybe we could release a positive social virus into the atmosphere?
Maybe we could engage others along the way...
Maybe we could embark on a life of living generously...

Here's the link so that other interested parties can look it up for themselves:

Paulo Coelho – The Pilgrimage

“When the Son of God descended to the earth, he brought love to us. But since people identified love only with suffering and sacrifice, they felt they had to crucify Jesus. Had they not done so, no-one would have believed in the love that Jesus brought, since people were so used to suffering every day with their own problems.”

Paulo Coelho – The Pilgrimage

(via Neil on the Sanctus1 List)

Manchester moosic

There are a couple of TV programmes on BBC Four this Friday which may be of interest.

First - at 9.10pm - Rock Family Trees: And God Created Manchester, a "documentary on 20 years of the Manchester music scene looking at The Factory label, Joy Division/New Order, The Buzzcocks, The Hacienda and The Happy Mondays."

Followed straight after at 10pm by The Wonderful and Frightening World of Mark E Smith - "For the first time, Mark E Smith has agreed to reveal the story behind one of the most enigmatic bands of the last 30 years, The Fall."

Rough Guide to A Better World

Rough Guides and the department for International development have come together to produce this great little rough guide to a better world. It's avaliable free at post offices in the Uk and is also avaliable as a PDF download from the here www.roughguide-betterworld.comd. It has being written by Martin Wroe and Malcolm Doney, both regulary write for Church times; one is an anglican priest and the other an ordinand. Fantastic that people are putting their creative skills into something so worthwhile.


I went to watch Closer at the cinema, after Laura's strong recommendation. It wasn't what I expected. It was heavy going (though for some reason the young audience found the dark humour hilarious) and quite disturbing at times- which was good cos it made me think.
It got me thinking about where I glimpse God/ the Divine in Culture. It worries me a little that I don't tend to see "It" in things that aren't sparkling, which is most of this world. Just a thought..... late at night....... on a very boring shift :)

Sanctus1 Service: Bittersweet

The next sanctus1 service is on 23rd Jan at 8pm and is entitled Bittersweet. It's a reflection on the past year, celebrating and mourning what has happened over the past year. It will also provide an opportunity to look forward with hope for the coming yeat. 23rd Jan, 8pm Sacred Trinity, Salford.

ooo what a palaver! Jerry Springer - The Opera on BBC2

After the Birmingham Rep furore before Christmas, this just seems like fuel on the fire of a slightly different sort. I've got to wonder - how many people have called Michael Grade to encourage him to show this on BBC2 and to thank him for showing a cutting edge and nationally renowned piece of musical theatre?

The jabberings of the Trouncer

I should have posted this a while ago, but here it is now.

On the way back from London in a lonely train carriage, I was very bored. I sent out a text to friends that read:
"Alone in train carriage, still 1 & a half hours from home. Have read EVERYTHING, & I am *SO* bored I could faint. Lev"

Shortly after I recieved the funniest text I've ever recieved from our very own Richard Trouncer, that I thought I'd share with you here:

"Ah in situations like this i sleep. Repeatedly. Alternativly i annoy people with texts. You could attempt to achieve a higher state of consciousness. Or cast your mind back over your hollow shell of a life and wish for death. I'd go with the sleeping option."

Thank you Richard, may your wit spread throughout the nations.

conservative and liberal

...and no that's not the make up of the next coalition government that I'm describing!

It is in fact a discussion that's been rumbling on in a small way on the (almost defunct now) Sanctus web forum: if you want to see more of it. A brief summary would be about what the definitions of theologies as above are and where various Manchester churches and congregations might fit into them, inc. Sanctus, Ivy Cottage, Vineyard/ Reach etc.

Might be better to have comments on this topic here rather than there - will post that to the forum and let folks follow it here if it continues to spark any interest.


There are some great photos of the christmas snow in Salford, taken by Andy Salmon (Vicar at Sacred Trinity) Here's one of them and for more see: