Walk this way

A while ago at the 40 service, we made prayer bracelets during the service as part of our worship. It’s a cord of forty knots, with three beads on it and tied together at the end. I’ve worn it on my left wrist almost every day since I made it. I think that someone did something similar at Greenbelt one year – Ikon? Echo?

Anyway, some of you might remember that I have been lamenting the loss of my old walk to work since we moved flats and offices. It was previously one of the most spiritually loaded times of my day (the places I passed, the route I walked, the time it gave me to reflect).

So this morning I finally made the connection (I am slow!) between wearing my prayer bracelet and my new walk to work. I don’t have to wait for the significance to come to me, I can make it happen, in fact I have it with me almost every day…

This morning then, I walked from close to Deansgate station and started to use the bracelet to pray the Jesus prayer at each knot. At each bead, I reflected on three different things that I wanted to pray about – my life and relationship with God, my relationship with others, and the wider world. On the final knot that joins the two ends of the bracelet, I prayed the Lord’s prayer, and ended up at that moment, just at the corner near 8th Day/ Oxford Road - perfect timing for me being 100m from the office front door.

I’m so pleased to say it worked! Guess what? I’ve got a new walk to work ritual.


Anonymous said...

A Sanctus rosary...?

Fat Roland said...

Or "rosemary" as customers often call them at work.

LauraHD said...

> A Sanctus rosary...?
Kind of I guess. I do have a real rosary which I use sometimes as well. I guess like many things, I've magpie-ed something from somewhere else, adapted it and made it my own... I'm sure there's a technical/ theological/ academic term for this but I'm happy with "magpie adpation".

LauraHD said...

...apparently "ancient-future" is one of the phrases that I was searching for.

Any suggestions for any others?