Memorial Day

"Send a card for Memorial Day and help saves lives" proclaims one of the "many" emails facing me this morning. I can't help but think that if we save lives, then there will be nobody left for whom to have a memorial day. Or am I going about this the wrong way? Maybe I should have had breakfast this morning.


Fat Roland said...

Um... surely memorial cards are to remember someone who has died? So, without appearing too harsh, it is therefore too late to save their life. So how can a memorial card save lives, unless:

(a) they have an inherent power to resurrect people or;

(b) they make the world spin backward like what Superman did in, er, Superman.

Speaking about getting lots of emails, I am saving my so-called "Nigerian" e-mails to see how much money I could have invested or won.

Since October I have been promised a total of $109,600,000 from Iraq, Hong Kong, The Netherlands, Cote d'Ivoire (thrice), Togo and South Africa.

Not a single one from Nigeria, which blows yet another lazy sterotype.

Fat Roland said...

Sorry, there was an unforgiveable use of "emails" and "e-mails" in that post.