Tomorrow of all days...

Use your vote.

Stop the BNP.

Mini-rant over. Promise.

Have a sunny rest of Wednesday.

Sitting in the park across the road, eating chips and beans and chatting, we were approached by a nice looking, polite, young man, who was waving some green photocopied leaflets that bore the words "go green" on them. After a not-too-pressing question or three later, we worked out he was a Tory, to which he admitted once it became obvious we'd seen through his ruse... I told him I'd already voted by post, and I refused to tell him how since I was a believer in the magic words "secret ballot". S told him that she'd only vote blue when "hell froze over". After he'd sauntered off with his tale between his legs, we started coming up with other ways to end the conversation, some of the best of which are listed below:
stuffing him in a recycling bin
telling him we'd had a change of heart and thought that Dave that Chameleon was the saviour of modern Britain after all
praying for the release of his demons
pulling his pants down and running away

All very grown up... And now S thinks I'm a closet Tory, simply cos I won't tell her how I vote. You really can't win. I just wanted to eat me chips and beans.


Anonymous said...

Chips and Beans eh? tut tut tut

Fat Roland said...

Go for the pants! Go for the pants!

Sarah said...

I like voting but it feels like there should be something more to it. Some sort of ceremony or a lara-croft style challenge (Will she make it to the voting booth? She leaps the crocodile pit and swan-dives off the ledge, finishing with a triple-somersault on the edge of the box...). Voting is important! It matters! But it doesn't feel like it does...

Sarah said...

Also, I was looking at the BNP manifesto on Tuesday, following a link from the cartoon church.

It was interesting to actually read it. Pretty unpleasant and there are some contradictions in there.

Anonymous said...

Ouch. Following the cartoon church link you get to some responses to an earlier article where BNP members themselves try to justify their support.

One minute they're saying that supporting the BNP doesn't mean you're a racist (logical, although suspicious)..

..the next minute they post things like:

"... make sure the indigenous people of these islands are not ignored, trampled on and divested of their freedoms ..."

Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...