One crazy turn deserves another

When I was unemployed last year I reeled in some of my charitable direct debit donations such as "Shelter" (which was my reason for not giving cash to homeless people as I gave them a Shelter card instead). But since regaining successful employment and especially since listening to Lazy Boy's "Underwear goes inside the pants" (you have to listen to almost then end to 'get it'), I've started handing over hard currency again.

Anyhow, last night I was struggling to use the public transport system to get home, so I was sort of lost in Withington, and out of money, and working out how to get to my car in Didsbury when I spied a Tescos and decided to pop in, get some cash and some dinner and get a cab.

On the way in this homeless guy is sitting outside asking for change and I tell him I'll bring some back on the way out (they had a cash machine inside), but then I decided to go back and ask him an honest question:

"Would you prefer some booze?"
"Yes please!"
"Can I have some Strongbow?"
"F'sure, wait one minuite."

I spend a few quid on a 2 litre bottle of the golden stuff and make his night. He's well chuffed and I kinda feel good for him. After all, if I was in his position I could probably do with a big bottle of cider to help the night pass by. In fact, I had some Kroneburg waiting for me at home so who am I to judge him?

I then start trying to flag down and cab and this black taxi pulls up. I get in and he asks if it's ok for him to smoke as he's just lit up, I explain I would be delighted as I'm a fellow smoker too. Generously he offers me a cigarette... rock on!

Anyhow, I get to my car, and we really haven't travelled that far, probably only about a mile (I said I was kinda lost), but it's £2.60 and I start reaching for my wallet when he says

"No worries matey, it wasn't far."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, no problem, you have a good night"
"Well thank you very much!!"

How good is that!?!?

Next time I'm gonna give the homeless guy a bottle of vodka!


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