Give Up Sanctus1 for Lent

For lent this year Sanctus1 is giving up it's midweek groups and getting involved in missional activity around the city. Here is the choice of things that you can do:

Mustard Tree: Soup Run
Sunday or Friday Eve

An opportunity to help with the Soup Run on a Sunday eve or in their warehouse during the week. The Mustard Tree is a Christian Charity, established in 1993, whose aim is “to meet the practical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of the disadvantaged in Manchester.”

Pachamama Symposium:
Two or three mid week meetings plus one Saturday

The Pachamama Alliance is a U.S. based not-for-profit organization that was born out of a relationship developed between a group of people from the modern world and the leaders of remote indigenous groups in the Amazon region of Ecuador. This relationship was actually initiated by the indigenous elders and shamans themselves who, out of their deep concern for the growing threat to their ancient way of life, and their recognition that the roots of this threat lay far beyond their rainforest home, actively sought the partnership of committed individuals living in the modern world.

The Symposium is a day conference that explores how we can work for ecological change. Sanctus1 would plan, promote and deliver this symposium (with a lot of help from Mike!).

Night café and Street Angels
Saturday Night

Street Angels have been described as ‘superheroes in florescent jackets’. Working alongside the police, funded by them and the Crime and Disorder unit, and fully backed by the Manchester Pub and Club network, for 4 hours on a Saturday night we work to make the city centre a safer and more enjoyable place to be. As a Street Angel you will be out on patrol in a team, helping people find their friends, helping people stand up straight in a taxi queue, assisting the police with their work and all manner of other things.

Back at the café you’ll be serving coffees and ordering taxis, whilst listening to people’s stories. There is an information pack that can be emailed, with full details of the roles and more information.

Do It For Someone Else... A DIY group for others!
Tues or Weds Eve

Renovate the Kitchens at Sacred Trinity and Nexus. When other people within Sanctus1 or wider need help with any DIY etc. then we can offer to help them out.

Weds Eve

Whilst others are out it is vital that this initiative is backed up by prayer. A group will meet over the course of lent to pray for these and other activities.

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