Nevermind The Bricolage

I like reading Nevermind The Bricolage and this is a particularly good post, IMHO...

NTB says about himself:
I am a great believer that all things are connected, and that there is much value to be found in the detritus of popular culture. I enjoy living in a pick and mix world and think it is good for humanity to exist with plurality, complexity, and chaos as major shapers of how we live with each other--too much trouble has come from our isolated thinking. I don't want any heroes, don't believe in an interventionist god, don't think all the good music was made years ago, don't support the war, do support Manchester United. I drink PG Tips and Cote du Rhone, and, as Brian Ferry once sang, 'love is the drug.'

Couldn't agree more. Ok, not the football or PG Tips, but almost all of the rest...

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