walk on

This concerns my walk to work, both my old one and my current one. Now although I truly believe that if we just look we can see God anywhere in the world, my old walk to work from Piccadilly Gardens up Tib St and into Ancoats/ Angel Meadow was a particular route loaded with spiritual overtones. From the ritual of walking in "the gutter but looking at the stars" to the names of the shops (Love Saves the Day, Glorious Clothing, etc), there was much to make me see God. And there's the spiritual art and culture too - a mosaic reading "And on the sixth day God made MANchester", a graffiti tag of Jesus saying "Sorry I'm late, did I miss much?", and a neon sign in Cafe Pop's window that simply reads "Come and worship".

I miss that route to my old flat from my old office.

Tib St Manchester Posted by Hello

For Lent, I am following the Detox book that we're mirroring in Sanctus at the mo, and it's been engaging me with topics such as living in the now and celebrating where we are and being ambassadors for God in the world where we live/ work/ socialise/ etc. My current route from my new flat to my new office is far less spiritually loaded to me most days (a fairly normal busy car-loaded route quite near the university). But today I glanced down into an otherwise normal muddy puddle, I saw the blue sky and clouds reflecting the glory of God's world back to me. I still miss that old route, but maybe this is the start of a meaningful new ritual...

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