"Arms industry to make vases & picnic tables"...

Hey, everyone, I know we've been trying to detox and make poverty history and have big dresses and change the church and save the children and everything...

...but it's all going to be okay! Look! Click! Clicky click!


Anonymous said...

Shouldn't the by making ploughshares?

(btw. What the heck *is* a plowshare, other than what you get if you beat a sword to death).

Sarah said...

Things to plough fields with, I'm guessing. Probably the sharp pointy bit on a plough which cuts up the soil.

I felt sad that the website hadb't developed the stories beyond headlines. But it made me feel like maybe the world was going to be OK. And look at this beautiful weather. On a Saturday!!!! I'm going to Platt Fields with Matt! I's a nice Saturday and he's not at work!!!

See, the world is OK really...