06:06:06, 06/06/06

Given the fuss latterly about the 123456 configuration of time and date, I'm truly surprised that no-one I’m aware of stayed up (or got up early) to blog at 06:06:06 on 06/06/06.

Christians, superstitious? Don't believe in it mate...


Sarah said...

I like being asleep too much.

However, we did hear a noise last night that sounded like a train but evidently wasn't as we don't live near a train line. I thought it might be Armageddon but evidently it wasn't.

Or perhaps it was the Braxton Hicks of Armageddon.

Fat Roland said...

I just don't fancy being around when the waters break.

I tried to post six blogs at 6.06, but my '6' key stopped working. For the next six hours, I shopped around, and in the sixth shop I came to, I brought a new keyboard for £6. I got the number 6 bus back, and the driver charged me 66p but gave me 6p too much in my change. I rang the bus company (tel 666 6666) and a Mr Sixsmith told me this was the sixth time this had happened and this kind of behaviour made him sick(th). I asked him how many years he had worked there, and he said "five".

Personally, I think you can read too much into things.