The parable of the three samosas...

As part of last night’s excellent shared service, we got curry to eat from a small stall in the Arndale Market. Cris apparently went to pick it up and the guy gave him four free samosas as a thank you for buying quite a large order.

Ben apparently ate two of them. Cris ate one, and then gave one to me. And I gave mine away to a bunch of us at my end of the table.

And the moral of the story is...?


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Ben said...

I'm the most holy so God blesses me abundantly, i live a righteous life, pray the most, give the most money and therefore God gives me the most...;-)

that's how it works...isn't it?

LauraHD said...

So *that's* how it works... sheesh, I feel stupid! I thought it was that I shared what I had, gave things away and my reward would be in heaven...