Well, Miffy has actually been 50 for a bit now, but the exhibition at Manchester Art Gallery is now in its last month, so now is a good time to go, if you've not been.
Lots of Miffy pictures, miffy products, and best of all, miffy outfits that you can dress up in. Admittedly, you have to be very small to be able to fit into the outfits, but it's always worth a try, I feel. You can also draw Miffy, or send Miffy a postcard: the best ones are put on display!
It's also a Celebration of the othe works of Dick Bruna, so be amazed at the other stuff he's done too.
What in bumhat's name is Miffy?
You've just made this up, haven't you? You were stuck for something to blog about (see Laura's last post), and thought you'd make up a fake exhibition based on a fake children's character. It was easy, a man of your abilities. Cobble together a couple of websites, put them in as 'genuine' hyperlinks, and you have us all believing there's really something called "Miffy".
Um... either that or I've just never heard of Miffy.
Miffy is real! Otherwise Manchester Art Gallery is conducting a fiendish hoax or something!
I'm not prepared to belive you have never heard of miffy. That's a lie too far, young man.
Right: everyone get all the Miffy paraphanalia that you can get your hands on and deluge Eyan with them.
Mind you, the cushion shaped like Miffy's head was a little disturbing. A certain Monty Python song comes inappropriately to mind.
I need to try and find a copy of the Miffy Cthulu t-shirt that I think Jen wears...
It's clearly a conspiracy. One person invents a plausible looking childrens character, and those that are in on the conspiracy claim that it's real.
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