come closer...

We've watched a trio of films in the last fortnight. They turned out to form a nice trio about love, sex, loss, gender, pain, relationships and togetherness.




Go watch and maybe glimpse what I saw... Posted by Picasa


Fat Roland said...

If those films appeal, then go see Brokeback Mountain.

It's a day since I saw the film and I am still feeling it. I remember the effect the 'Queer' Ikon service had at Greenbelt. This is not entirely different...

...Well, okay, it is totally different because Ikon didn't have millions of bucks and Ang Lee. Or a film.

But there are parallels. Now shut up and go watch Jake and Heath.

Sarah said...

I love 'Secretary' - it's one of my favourite films. I saw an review which said it was a feminist antidote to Hollywood rom-coms. And it is, but it's more than that. It's about love being more than what it is usually represeented as. And recognising one another's weaknesses.