An update on II - this post includes a word I totally made up

II, which is pronounced 'two' and not 'aye aye', is set to return on June 8th.

Set in the lavatresque basement of the Northern Quarter's Cord Bar, II is an evening of electronic audio loveliness and eye-smooching visuals. In the past, we have experienced the joys of the cool Kid Mingus, the mellow Mike Fallows and the, er, voluptuous visuals of Kol and Fil.

I am yet to finalise the date with Cord bar. Although their diary is free on June 8th, I still need to check with Brian who is in charge and knows things. I have just spoken to him, but the best response I got was "can you phone back during the day tomorrow, we're a bit busy at the moment". Which will teach me to phone a bar in Manchester at 9pm on a Friday. Stupid Fats.

II is carving a niche in mellow electronica and warm visuals, but I am open to the idea of sending it off on a tangent. If you have any kooky ideas, just let me know.

Watch this up for blogdates.

Eyan / Fat Roland

1 comment:

Fat Roland said...

Cord bar have said June 8th is ok, so it's offical.