A man appears and quickly escorts you to the interview which is being held, rather suprisingly, in a studio. Not quite sure why they're interviewing you here, rather than an office, you play along - perhaps this is the BBC way? And just as a presenter introduces you as an editor of an IT magazine, it hits you.... all too late.
To check out the EXACT moment (around 40 seconds in) when he realises what's happened, click here - priceless!
To check out the EXACT moment (around 40 seconds in) when he realises what's happened, click here - priceless!
LMAO! I posted about this too! Definately one for the blooper tape.
Yes I came across this yesterday and it's brilliant. I love the taxi driver's face when he notices what's gone wrong.
I checked out the blog of the real Guy (available on his website newswireless.net) and he seems much more concerned that the cabbie was black rather than anything else. Odd man.
When I need my computer fixing, I'm ringing a cabbie.
How an a BBC researcher doing a piece on IT wouldn't know what Guy Kewney looks like is beyond me.... it's the equivalent of an interview with Tony Blair ending up with an italian hairdresser called Toni.
That's what his blog is about.. he's clearly more than slightly annoyed (understatement!) about it in his first piece.. although it was the wrong thing to write - he should have thought about it rather than just writing what was on his mind first.
Yes! Thats me! Wodge!
Seems it is compulsory for every blog to run the "Wrong Guy" story this week.
Sad he didn't get the job...
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