Faithful Betrayals: the ir/religious nature of Christianity
What if one of the core elements of Christianity lay in a demand that we betray it, while the ultimate act of affirming God required the forsaking of God? And what if fidelity to the Judeo-Christian scriptures demanded their renunciation? In short, what if the only way of finding faith involves betraying it with a kiss?
By employing the insights of apophatic theology and deconstructive theory this seminar seeks to explore the subversive and clandestine nature of a Christianity that dwells within religious institutions while simultaneously undermining them. Here we will explore the Promethean nature of a faith which attempts to live up to the name bestowed upon it by the divine: Israel, one who wrestles with God.
Peter Rollins is the founding member of Ikon and a freelance lecturer in philosophy. He is the author of the recently published How (Not) to Speak of God (SPCK/Paraclete) acclaimed by Brian McLaren as ‘one of the most rewarding books of theology he has read in ten years.’
blah...manchester is a series of conversations hosted by CMS in partnership with The Church Army on mission, worship, church and Christianity in today’s rapidly changing culture. It’s a time to keep listening, chatting and reflecting as God beckons us into the future.
Monday 12th June
Drinks and refreshments provided
Admission free
Venue: Nexus. For directions see:
Drinks served from 6:30
Input begins at 7:00
Let Ben know if you're coming -
1 comment:
I was confused for some time by 'ir/religious'. "International relations?" I asked myself for a long time.
Now I understand everything.
Or at least, now I feel stupid for not understanding it sooner.
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