Neither rain, nor snow, nor heat, nor gloom of night stopped me (and one or two others) from completing the ten km pounding of the mean streets ofManchester (mostly Trafford, but that's being pedantic) that is the Great Manchester Run. I am happy to report that I was able to improve on last year's time and complete the course in 55 minutes 12 seconds coming in 8178th out of a field of 30,000 odd runners - some of them very odd.
When battling my way through the massed ranks of charity runners, I met up with some of the good folk from The Message. About ten seconds after starting I lost them but by then, only the run matters. However, this tired body was encouraged at the 7km mark when a friendly voice at my side yelled "Come on Rob!" and there were Andy and Dan. And I should also say that when I popped round to their marquee afterwards to see how they all did, I was given a rousing round of applause, despite not even running fort them. Traidcraft were my charity of choice this year.
Well done Rob! Did it rain? We were away otherwise we'd have sat on the grass outside our place and cheered you on.
We'll cough up soon - promise.
Well done mate!
I'd like to think that the sight of Finnish monsters singing the Eurovison a-rock-alypse the night before, fortified you for the run.
Probably just as well you stayed off the Puppykicker mind ;-)
I feel my sunday was positively lazy in comparison...just trying to rehabilitate the house and garden post-party. For some reason I kept finding little flags of baltic states etc in the most unusual of places. You wouldn't know how that can of happened now would you? ;-)
PS Hit me for some sponsorship dough next time I see you.
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