
We always think that Sanctus 1 is dynamic. Well, it certainly felt like it recently.

When we were asked whether a few students from Switzerland could pop in to visit us, we naturally said yes.welcoming is definitely one of our values. However, a few people for us would be four or five... to our delight,we found the cafe full of Swiss theologians. They swelled our numbers by 300% which kind of fitted into our theme of relationship in a bizarre way!

They certainly added a multi-national dimension to our discussion.

We continued with our current theme of relationship and looked at at the dynamics of relationship and what keeps us connected (the string helped, pictured). We used the idea of transactional analysis to dissect the nature of interactions between people in terms of child, parent and adult, and considered how we might apply this to God.

Seeing God as sometime parent and adult implies we use these concepts to understand God in a particular way and can help and hinder. We finished up in prayer, which is always useful! We prayed about conflicts in our lives.

This Sunday and Wednesday, we are looking at the impact of adoption on relationships and how we're adopted into God's family.

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