In case you're not from Mcr, they're subverting the best of Manchester awards and remain anonymous. I think they're Christian, they've certainly got a faith angle on them, but they'e not overt and in many ways develop the worship in public spaces theme that we've seen in mant places across the country. However, the anonymity of them something extra...but I think I know who it is!!!
The text on the back reads:
'Our times call for more that the superficial. We need earth rawness that smells so nourishing even a glance of it straightens our back and lifts our chin. Rise up, speak truth - speak life to each other. Big up the one who competes with you. Work hard for your boss even if he is unfair. For it is God that loves your life, he whop wants your best. If advertising is based on the premise of inadequacy, how can this city's children grow! Times call not for self but selfless - where freedom and joy aew found. The origin of inspiration is 'God breathed' so rise up - pray a song, create, search truth, integritu and boldness - be inspired. Your talent is admired by the one who gave it. Gossip goodness to all - be wondered by simple things and happiness will follow you.
The original spoofer has come forward recently..
From the description I don't think this is the same person (although I guess it could be).
Same person - why ever not? ...also look out for 4 small cards appeared last night, collect them all! Great for discussion - my opinion not necessarily his.
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