Over Lent we looked at the Easter baddies, a series on the characters of the Easter story that are presented in a negative light. We looked at Judas, Herod, Pontius the Pilate, Barabbas, two thieves and then JC himself. It raised issues about reputation, public personas, choice and how our own picture of Jesus can be related to social or personal experience. We are now focusing on our AGM which is on the 9th May and we will explore some issues of rules and working together.
Sunday 11th April
Wednesday 13th April | Sharia Law in a Christian context |
Sunday 18th April
Wednesday 21st April | Money and giving |
Sunday 25th April
Wednesday 28th April | Sanctus constitution |
Sunday 2nd May
Wednesday 5th May | Food with Bread making |
Sun 9th May | Sanctus1 AGM |