In other news today, it looks like Jesus' bones have been found.
Personally, I think it was very irresponsible for Jesus to lose his bones in the first place. Thank goodness Adam never made the same mistake, otherwise God would have never had invented wimmin.
I think I'd better leave...
*closes door sheepishly*
Reel Spirituality, this Sunday - House of Flying Daggers
House of Flying Daggers (15)
The second in our Heroes and Villains series
This Sunday, 4th March
Doors: 6.30pm Film starts: 7pm prompt
VENUE CHANGE ** please note that we’ve moved venues (email for location details) **
If you want to explore the film’s themes and issues:
Post-film discussion: 9.15pm onwards Evening ends: no later than 10pm
Feel free to bring your own food, drinks and snacks – I think there might be free popcorn!
Continuing the series of Heroes and Villains:
1st April - Leon (18)
6th May - 15 Minutes (18)
Give Up Sanctus1 for Lent
For lent this year Sanctus1 is giving up it's midweek groups and getting involved in missional activity around the city. Here is the choice of things that you can do:
Mustard Tree: Soup Run
Sunday or Friday Eve
An opportunity to help with the Soup Run on a Sunday eve or in their warehouse during the week. The Mustard Tree is a Christian Charity, established in 1993, whose aim is “to meet the practical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of the disadvantaged in Manchester.”
Pachamama Symposium:
Two or three mid week meetings plus one Saturday
The Pachamama Alliance is a U.S. based not-for-profit organization that was born out of a relationship developed between a group of people from the modern world and the leaders of remote indigenous groups in the Amazon region of Ecuador. This relationship was actually initiated by the indigenous elders and shamans themselves who, out of their deep concern for the growing threat to their ancient way of life, and their recognition that the roots of this threat lay far beyond their rainforest home, actively sought the partnership of committed individuals living in the modern world.
The Symposium is a day conference that explores how we can work for ecological change. Sanctus1 would plan, promote and deliver this symposium (with a lot of help from Mike!).
Night café and Street Angels
Saturday Night
Street Angels have been described as ‘superheroes in florescent jackets’. Working alongside the police, funded by them and the Crime and Disorder unit, and fully backed by the Manchester Pub and Club network, for 4 hours on a Saturday night we work to make the city centre a safer and more enjoyable place to be. As a Street Angel you will be out on patrol in a team, helping people find their friends, helping people stand up straight in a taxi queue, assisting the police with their work and all manner of other things.
Back at the café you’ll be serving coffees and ordering taxis, whilst listening to people’s stories. There is an information pack that can be emailed, with full details of the roles and more information.
Do It For Someone Else... A DIY group for others!
Tues or Weds Eve
Renovate the Kitchens at Sacred Trinity and Nexus. When other people within Sanctus1 or wider need help with any DIY etc. then we can offer to help them out.
Weds Eve
Whilst others are out it is vital that this initiative is backed up by prayer. A group will meet over the course of lent to pray for these and other activities.
Mustard Tree: Soup Run
Sunday or Friday Eve
An opportunity to help with the Soup Run on a Sunday eve or in their warehouse during the week. The Mustard Tree is a Christian Charity, established in 1993, whose aim is “to meet the practical, social, emotional and spiritual needs of the disadvantaged in Manchester.”
Pachamama Symposium:
Two or three mid week meetings plus one Saturday
The Pachamama Alliance is a U.S. based not-for-profit organization that was born out of a relationship developed between a group of people from the modern world and the leaders of remote indigenous groups in the Amazon region of Ecuador. This relationship was actually initiated by the indigenous elders and shamans themselves who, out of their deep concern for the growing threat to their ancient way of life, and their recognition that the roots of this threat lay far beyond their rainforest home, actively sought the partnership of committed individuals living in the modern world.
The Symposium is a day conference that explores how we can work for ecological change. Sanctus1 would plan, promote and deliver this symposium (with a lot of help from Mike!).
Night café and Street Angels
Saturday Night
Street Angels have been described as ‘superheroes in florescent jackets’. Working alongside the police, funded by them and the Crime and Disorder unit, and fully backed by the Manchester Pub and Club network, for 4 hours on a Saturday night we work to make the city centre a safer and more enjoyable place to be. As a Street Angel you will be out on patrol in a team, helping people find their friends, helping people stand up straight in a taxi queue, assisting the police with their work and all manner of other things.
Back at the café you’ll be serving coffees and ordering taxis, whilst listening to people’s stories. There is an information pack that can be emailed, with full details of the roles and more information.
Do It For Someone Else... A DIY group for others!
Tues or Weds Eve
Renovate the Kitchens at Sacred Trinity and Nexus. When other people within Sanctus1 or wider need help with any DIY etc. then we can offer to help them out.
Weds Eve
Whilst others are out it is vital that this initiative is backed up by prayer. A group will meet over the course of lent to pray for these and other activities.
Climate challenge: how I destroyed the economy
I had a go at the BBC's Climate Challenge game, and I balanced responsibility for climate change, economic growth and electoral success... until near the end of the game, when I got worried I might lose the election and I cut taxes all over the place.
My result is pictured above. I seem to have saved the earth but I have changed us into 1920s Germany. Can you do better?
5 Years – 5 Worship tricks…
A couple of these are picked up by Jonny, but not them all so here are five worship tricks that have evolved from Sanctus1:
1: The Man in Black – used as a invitation to Eucharist at the Johnny Cash service.
He was the original Man in Black
Standing alongside the poor
the marginalized,
the vulnerable and the excluded.
He was the Man in Black
At the well with the Samaritan woman,
Before the Pharisees with the woman caught in adultery,
He was the Man in Black.
Sharing food with tax collectors,
Touching lepers,
And befriending prostitutes,
He was the Man in Black.
Upsetting polite company,
Befriending isolated people,
Welcoming the stranger,
He was the man in black.
And through this sacrament at this table,
We remember that he still is the Man in black.
Those who wish to follow him,
Must first be led by him,
Led by him to befriend the stranger,
The marginalized,
The excluded,
And the vulnerable.
This is the table where all are welcome;
Where the Man in black reaches out to us in our brokenness and makes us whole.
So come, Jesus Christ,
the Man in Black, welcomes you.
2: May God Bless you – Beautiful sung blessing by Seamingof Sanctus1.
3: Contact – Call to worship: At the start of the film contact is a scene that starts off on planet earth, gradually the camera withdraws and you get further and further away until you find yourself flying through the Galaxy. Some stunning CGI and it works well with the call to worship from Alternative Worship read on the top of it.
4 – Three Candle – Each Sanctus1 service starts with the lighting of three candles. One for Father, one for Son and one for Spirit. We then close with a dispersal of the three candles. The reason that we have this is that it provides the liturgical framework within which to be experimental. When I light the candles people know that the service is beginning, when they are dispersed people know the service is finishing. Here is one example of the a candle lighting liturgy that we have used, it’s written by Laura:
*I light this light in the name of…The Creator
Who was here before us, before we even began
Who formed and joined us, welcoming us all first
Who walks with us and guides us still
I light this light in the name of…The Redeemer
Who celebrated with people at time of great joy
Whose service still provides our example
Who was five years old once too…
I light this light in the name of…The Sustainer
Who was there at our birth
Who is both life-giver and life-force
Who transforms us and urges us on
We light three lights for the Trinity of Love
God above us
God beside us
God beneath us
The beginning, the end, the everlasting one.
* - end = I carry this light in the name of…
5 – Great selection of video’s here from Ninja Tunes. I’ve often used the Great Drive By by Funki Porcini.
1: The Man in Black – used as a invitation to Eucharist at the Johnny Cash service.
He was the original Man in Black
Standing alongside the poor
the marginalized,
the vulnerable and the excluded.
He was the Man in Black
At the well with the Samaritan woman,
Before the Pharisees with the woman caught in adultery,
He was the Man in Black.
Sharing food with tax collectors,
Touching lepers,
And befriending prostitutes,
He was the Man in Black.
Upsetting polite company,
Befriending isolated people,
Welcoming the stranger,
He was the man in black.
And through this sacrament at this table,
We remember that he still is the Man in black.
Those who wish to follow him,
Must first be led by him,
Led by him to befriend the stranger,
The marginalized,
The excluded,
And the vulnerable.
This is the table where all are welcome;
Where the Man in black reaches out to us in our brokenness and makes us whole.
So come, Jesus Christ,
the Man in Black, welcomes you.
2: May God Bless you – Beautiful sung blessing by Seamingof Sanctus1.
3: Contact – Call to worship: At the start of the film contact is a scene that starts off on planet earth, gradually the camera withdraws and you get further and further away until you find yourself flying through the Galaxy. Some stunning CGI and it works well with the call to worship from Alternative Worship read on the top of it.
4 – Three Candle – Each Sanctus1 service starts with the lighting of three candles. One for Father, one for Son and one for Spirit. We then close with a dispersal of the three candles. The reason that we have this is that it provides the liturgical framework within which to be experimental. When I light the candles people know that the service is beginning, when they are dispersed people know the service is finishing. Here is one example of the a candle lighting liturgy that we have used, it’s written by Laura:
*I light this light in the name of…The Creator
Who was here before us, before we even began
Who formed and joined us, welcoming us all first
Who walks with us and guides us still
I light this light in the name of…The Redeemer
Who celebrated with people at time of great joy
Whose service still provides our example
Who was five years old once too…
I light this light in the name of…The Sustainer
Who was there at our birth
Who is both life-giver and life-force
Who transforms us and urges us on
We light three lights for the Trinity of Love
God above us
God beside us
God beneath us
The beginning, the end, the everlasting one.
* - end = I carry this light in the name of…
5 – Great selection of video’s here from Ninja Tunes. I’ve often used the Great Drive By by Funki Porcini.
5 years – 5 pieces of music
I’m not gonna get this right! Dj Fat Roland Dj’s in the Sanctus1 services so this is my take on the music in Sanctus1:
Aphex Twin – We are the music makers. This was the piece of music that we started our first Sanctus1 service started with. ‘We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams…’
Groove Armada – Dusk you and me. If Eyan’s not around and I want a faily chilled track to start a midweek group this is the one that I usually go for.
Spiritualized – The trouble with the straight and the narrow. I spend a lot of time with Sanctus1 people pastorally, and I think that it would be fair to say that some of us struggle with straight and narrow forms of Christianity!
U2 – Grace. We were at Oxford Diocesan conference about 4 years ago and we were leading some worship. One of the stations used this track and some images of people that society finds hard to forgive. I must have heard the track about 20 times over those two days…it did my head in!!
The Smiths – There is a light that never goes out. Stunning song, great Manchester band and fortunately sanctus1 is focused on the light that never goes out.
Aphex Twin – We are the music makers. This was the piece of music that we started our first Sanctus1 service started with. ‘We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams…’
Groove Armada – Dusk you and me. If Eyan’s not around and I want a faily chilled track to start a midweek group this is the one that I usually go for.
Spiritualized – The trouble with the straight and the narrow. I spend a lot of time with Sanctus1 people pastorally, and I think that it would be fair to say that some of us struggle with straight and narrow forms of Christianity!
U2 – Grace. We were at Oxford Diocesan conference about 4 years ago and we were leading some worship. One of the stations used this track and some images of people that society finds hard to forgive. I must have heard the track about 20 times over those two days…it did my head in!!
The Smiths – There is a light that never goes out. Stunning song, great Manchester band and fortunately sanctus1 is focused on the light that never goes out.
5 Years - 5 Films
I have to admit that I’m not the best person to write this! My film repertoire is reasonable but not as expansive as Rob or Laura.
Film 1 – American Beauty – Ecclesiastes on film, is there a film that sums up the contemporary search for meaning better?
Film 2 – 24hr Party People – The film that charts the rise of the Madchester Music scene of the 80’s and early 90’s. Great film that sets the cultural context of our beautiful city.
Film 3 – Amelie – A film about bringing happiness to people and the beauty of the ordinary. As greenbelt would say ‘heaven in the ordinary’ , a major sanctus1 theme – God is not just found in the extraordinary, but in the everyday and in the crap too!
Film 4 – Run Lola Run – a film about providence, chance and the random nature of life. Great soundtrack, creatively shot and fantastic for theological reflection.
Film 5 - Walk the Line - I love Johnny Cash, so what better reason than that? We also based a service around the stort of Johnny Cash which i think was superb!
Film 1 – American Beauty – Ecclesiastes on film, is there a film that sums up the contemporary search for meaning better?
Film 2 – 24hr Party People – The film that charts the rise of the Madchester Music scene of the 80’s and early 90’s. Great film that sets the cultural context of our beautiful city.
Film 3 – Amelie – A film about bringing happiness to people and the beauty of the ordinary. As greenbelt would say ‘heaven in the ordinary’ , a major sanctus1 theme – God is not just found in the extraordinary, but in the everyday and in the crap too!
Film 4 – Run Lola Run – a film about providence, chance and the random nature of life. Great soundtrack, creatively shot and fantastic for theological reflection.
Film 5 - Walk the Line - I love Johnny Cash, so what better reason than that? We also based a service around the stort of Johnny Cash which i think was superb!
The Council has given the go-ahead for this "development" on Whitworth Street.
It's in the middle of the Conservation Area, so according to the Council's own guidelines, should not be conspicuous or out of place within its surroundings. So this glass construction should blend in nicely with the slone and brick buildings all around then...
At 16 storeys, it is also over twice as high as the Sackville Street buildings it will adjoin. And as to the ground floor retail units, I'm predicting that we get a new Tesburys Local Metro, an estate agency and the rest boarded up. Don't get me started on the envionmental issues of floor-to-ceiling glass as a cladding material.
It will also put most of the Granby Row area in the Reception Shadow from our TV mast, but that's a minor point of NIMBYism...
5 Thank-You's
My first thank-you is to an organisation called the Church Army. Terrible name, terrible uniforms but doing some fantastically innovative work in mission and evangelism across the world. I am a Church Army officer and for the first 5 years of my job here i was employed by them. They have supported us fantastically over the years.
Secondly, Manchester Diocese, they have given us the freedom to experiment. I have felt nothing but support from the Bishop's and senior staff - so thank you!
Thirdly, John and Olive Drane. About six years ago i was at a conference with John and Olive about the theology of evangelism, i chatted with Olive about the possibility of this job in Manchester city centre and enquired whether her son (Mark) and daughter-in-law (Laura) were still living there. Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, yes they were and they'd not found a church...We stayed with Mark and Laura when we were house hunting and the conversations started there. Since that time Olive and John, have told the story, encouraged, offered support and helped us along the way. I often get emails from people that start 'John/Olive Drane was telling me about Sanctus1 and...' Thank -you, John and Olive - our Godparents.
Fourthly, Sanctus1, the people who make the community both now and in the past. The people that I laugh with, worship with, cry with, Without you sanctus1 would not be what it is.
Finally, to Ruth, my wife. She put's up with all the crap, when I'm worried about Sanctus she gets the sharp end, she's full of ideas, thoughts and suggestions...and also has her own job!
Secondly, Manchester Diocese, they have given us the freedom to experiment. I have felt nothing but support from the Bishop's and senior staff - so thank you!
Thirdly, John and Olive Drane. About six years ago i was at a conference with John and Olive about the theology of evangelism, i chatted with Olive about the possibility of this job in Manchester city centre and enquired whether her son (Mark) and daughter-in-law (Laura) were still living there. Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, yes they were and they'd not found a church...We stayed with Mark and Laura when we were house hunting and the conversations started there. Since that time Olive and John, have told the story, encouraged, offered support and helped us along the way. I often get emails from people that start 'John/Olive Drane was telling me about Sanctus1 and...' Thank -you, John and Olive - our Godparents.
Fourthly, Sanctus1, the people who make the community both now and in the past. The people that I laugh with, worship with, cry with, Without you sanctus1 would not be what it is.
Finally, to Ruth, my wife. She put's up with all the crap, when I'm worried about Sanctus she gets the sharp end, she's full of ideas, thoughts and suggestions...and also has her own job!
birthday cake
This photo is of one of the birthday cakes from last night. It makes me happy to see it. :-D
technorati tag: sanctus1, 5th birthday, cake
5 Years - 5 Images
The first image that i have selected is Rublev's icon of the trinity, it speaks about hospitality, inclusion, generousity and welcome. It is also, obviously, Trinitarian and Sanctus1 has always sought to reflect trinitarian theology. I've written more about this here.

The second image is from the city centre of Manchester. It is a sign outside cafe pop in the Northern Quarter that reads 'Come and Worship'. Sanctus1 has alway aimed to connect with people in the city centre so that we worship together. We've often used this as a slide at the entrance to the church building that we are using.

The third image is from a service that we did at greenbelt in 05. Greenbelt is a significant place for Sanctus1, a few people have come along to sanctus1 through our links with Greenbelt, but above that greenbelt is a place that many sanctonians are at home spiritually.
The forth image is from Manchester Mind Body Spirit fair. Sanctus1 has had a stand there for the past four years, where we have been sharing faith with spiritual searchers. I love the place, we offer prayer from healing, use the Jesus deck and have some wonderful encounters.

And my final image is from last nights service! Sanctus1 worshipping together, 5 years ago it was very different...
The second image is from the city centre of Manchester. It is a sign outside cafe pop in the Northern Quarter that reads 'Come and Worship'. Sanctus1 has alway aimed to connect with people in the city centre so that we worship together. We've often used this as a slide at the entrance to the church building that we are using.
The third image is from a service that we did at greenbelt in 05. Greenbelt is a significant place for Sanctus1, a few people have come along to sanctus1 through our links with Greenbelt, but above that greenbelt is a place that many sanctonians are at home spiritually.
The forth image is from Manchester Mind Body Spirit fair. Sanctus1 has had a stand there for the past four years, where we have been sharing faith with spiritual searchers. I love the place, we offer prayer from healing, use the Jesus deck and have some wonderful encounters.
And my final image is from last nights service! Sanctus1 worshipping together, 5 years ago it was very different...
5 years – 5 posts
Sanctus1 celebrates it’s 5 birthday today and we’re having a service tonight to celebrate! 5 years ago a few of us gathered in the Jesus Chapel in Manchester Cathedral and put on our first public act of worship. We’d been meeting for a few months before then, but this was our first public act of worship and so our birth.
It’s been a crazy 5 years, with many successes and failures, laugher and tears, and highs and lows. At times I’ve been kept awake by either worrying about Sanctus1 or the adrenalin from such a great night. But the best part of Sanctus1 has been seeing people grow in their relationship with Christ and rediscovering that Church – God’s people – can be culturally in touch, welcoming, inclusive, fun and normal.
Over the next 5 days I’m going to post 5 times.
5 Worship Tricks from Sanctus1
5 Images of Sanctus1
5 Thank-you’s
5 Films
5 Pieces of music
It’s been a crazy 5 years, with many successes and failures, laugher and tears, and highs and lows. At times I’ve been kept awake by either worrying about Sanctus1 or the adrenalin from such a great night. But the best part of Sanctus1 has been seeing people grow in their relationship with Christ and rediscovering that Church – God’s people – can be culturally in touch, welcoming, inclusive, fun and normal.
Over the next 5 days I’m going to post 5 times.
5 Worship Tricks from Sanctus1
5 Images of Sanctus1
5 Thank-you’s
5 Films
5 Pieces of music
Afflecks Palace under threat?
According to this article, the beating heart of the Northern Quarter, and magnet for teen goths from all over the North West is under threat of closure.
Apparently, the landlords have yet to confirm whether they will renew the lease when the contract runs out on June 14th.
Question is: how much gentrification can the NQ take and still retain its vibe?
Sanctus1 invites you to a party!
“Now we are five…”
A celebration of and for Sanctus1’s fifth birthday
Date: Sunday 18 Feb
Time: 7pm
Where: Sacred Trinity Church, Chapel St, Salford
NB: If you’ve not already RSVPed, please let us know by email if you’re coming.
technorati tag: sanctus1, 5th birthday
The Bishop
What do bishops do all day? I think this clip gives us the answer. Or maybe not.
This is Monty Python's much-overlooked The Bishop sketch. Don't wait for the punchline; it never comes. It's just... Monty Python doing what they do.
This is Monty Python's much-overlooked The Bishop sketch. Don't wait for the punchline; it never comes. It's just... Monty Python doing what they do.
The last and the first...
In talking about and reflecting on community on Wednesday night (using Fight Club and the lyrics to Cheers amongst other things), we were looking at Exiles by Michael Frost and also at the Luke 14 and the parable of the great banquet.
And we were all puzzling as to what Jesus was getting at, and struggling with traditional/ past experiences of teaching on the subject. And then Myn came out with this corker: “The last will be first, but only if the first are unavailable that night.”
technorati tag: community, bible teaching
And we were all puzzling as to what Jesus was getting at, and struggling with traditional/ past experiences of teaching on the subject. And then Myn came out with this corker: “The last will be first, but only if the first are unavailable that night.”
technorati tag: community, bible teaching
One crazy turn deserves another
When I was unemployed last year I reeled in some of my charitable direct debit donations such as "Shelter" (which was my reason for not giving cash to homeless people as I gave them a Shelter card instead). But since regaining successful employment and especially since listening to Lazy Boy's "Underwear goes inside the pants" (you have to listen to almost then end to 'get it'), I've started handing over hard currency again.
Anyhow, last night I was struggling to use the public transport system to get home, so I was sort of lost in Withington, and out of money, and working out how to get to my car in Didsbury when I spied a Tescos and decided to pop in, get some cash and some dinner and get a cab.
On the way in this homeless guy is sitting outside asking for change and I tell him I'll bring some back on the way out (they had a cash machine inside), but then I decided to go back and ask him an honest question:
"Would you prefer some booze?"
"Yes please!"
"Can I have some Strongbow?"
"F'sure, wait one minuite."
I spend a few quid on a 2 litre bottle of the golden stuff and make his night. He's well chuffed and I kinda feel good for him. After all, if I was in his position I could probably do with a big bottle of cider to help the night pass by. In fact, I had some Kroneburg waiting for me at home so who am I to judge him?
I then start trying to flag down and cab and this black taxi pulls up. I get in and he asks if it's ok for him to smoke as he's just lit up, I explain I would be delighted as I'm a fellow smoker too. Generously he offers me a cigarette... rock on!
Anyhow, I get to my car, and we really haven't travelled that far, probably only about a mile (I said I was kinda lost), but it's £2.60 and I start reaching for my wallet when he says
"No worries matey, it wasn't far."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, no problem, you have a good night"
"Well thank you very much!!"
How good is that!?!?
Next time I'm gonna give the homeless guy a bottle of vodka!
Anyhow, last night I was struggling to use the public transport system to get home, so I was sort of lost in Withington, and out of money, and working out how to get to my car in Didsbury when I spied a Tescos and decided to pop in, get some cash and some dinner and get a cab.
On the way in this homeless guy is sitting outside asking for change and I tell him I'll bring some back on the way out (they had a cash machine inside), but then I decided to go back and ask him an honest question:
"Would you prefer some booze?"
"Yes please!"
"Can I have some Strongbow?"
"F'sure, wait one minuite."
I spend a few quid on a 2 litre bottle of the golden stuff and make his night. He's well chuffed and I kinda feel good for him. After all, if I was in his position I could probably do with a big bottle of cider to help the night pass by. In fact, I had some Kroneburg waiting for me at home so who am I to judge him?
I then start trying to flag down and cab and this black taxi pulls up. I get in and he asks if it's ok for him to smoke as he's just lit up, I explain I would be delighted as I'm a fellow smoker too. Generously he offers me a cigarette... rock on!
Anyhow, I get to my car, and we really haven't travelled that far, probably only about a mile (I said I was kinda lost), but it's £2.60 and I start reaching for my wallet when he says
"No worries matey, it wasn't far."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, no problem, you have a good night"
"Well thank you very much!!"
How good is that!?!?
Next time I'm gonna give the homeless guy a bottle of vodka!
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