I've just been sent this which might inspire and interest some of you.
"Have you ever wanted to really make a difference? In September 2007 we are organising a fantastic challenge to raise funds for Vision Africa and really make a difference for hundreds of children. You will have the opportunity to trek to the summit of Mount Kenya as a sponsored challenge, raising money to fund building two new Vision Africa projects. You will also visit several of our existing projects, including our children's home at Riandu.
The mountains of East Africa offer some of the finest walking in the world. Part of the magic is that they are in Africa, rising as most of them do out of the great plains, to altitudes that take the adventurous walker from the hot, dry tropical land through lush forests to alpine tundra and permanent snow. The valleys and ridges surrounding these peaks offer fantastic and fascinating walking, giving even more diversity than the ascent of Kilimanjaro. From the spectacular summit of Mount Kenya, the view is spectacular as the plains of Africa spread out before you, with Kilimanjaro standing majestically in the distance.
Our schedule departs London on 5th September 2007 and returns 12 days later.
Interested? Want to know more? Send us an e-mail to challenge07@vision-africa.org and ask us for an information pack. The challenge is organised for us by Trailblazers and you can also register your interest on their web site. We also have a pdf document that you can download for more details of the aims of the challenge.
Join us for the trip of a lifetime in September 2007. The cost of the trip will be set very soon and is expected to be between £1460 and £1600. You pay this cost yourself, then we ask you to raise as much as you can in sponsorship for our projects, preferably upwards of £2000. You'll need to be fit and healthy, but no specialist skills or training are required."
Reel Spirituality
1st Sunday of the month at Nexus
Doors: 6.30pm Film starts: 7pm prompt
If you want to explore the film’s themes and issues:
Post-film discussion: 9.15pm onwards Evening ends: no later than 10pm
THIS MONTH - 1st October
Donnie Darko: Director’s Cut (15)
The first in our 'The Outsider' series - four films exploring alienation, isolation, exclusion and ‘the other’
Feel free to bring your own food. Drinks and snacks available on the night.
+ Book stall of film and spiritual books +
Upcoming films include:
5th November - Kes (PG)
3rd December - Old Boy (18)
7th January - The Life Aquatic (15)
Mind Body Spirit Fair
We're back at the Manchester Mind Body Spirit fair again in about four weeks time. The stand will be called dekhomai and will therefore be linked with the London fair. There is also a Sanctus1 service that evening, so i hope to make some connection between the people attending MBS and Sanctus1.
The stand offers prayer for healing and we also use the Jesus deck to share the story of Christ with people.
The stand offers prayer for healing and we also use the Jesus deck to share the story of Christ with people.
Deliver us from e-bay
The current series of Dragon's Den is at an end, so you may be at a loss about where to invest your hard earned manna.
Where better to give up your shillings than buying this pink book containing Jesus' foretelling of the future, as revealed to e-bayer Xillion The Rock Opera. At the time of writing, the price for this valuable journal was £105.90.
Xillion has sat on this book for over 20 years, but he/she/it just couldn't hold in the secret any more. "I have decided to go with Ebay in an effort to spread the messages of Jesus."
Phew! About time too! Link.
Goodbye European Microwave Week
Goodbye to the unnoticed and unseen European Microwave Week. Come back soon...
Hello to the over-policed and over-exposed Labour Party Conference. Wish you weren't here...
High on Hope
Join Sanctus1 for a service called 'High on Hope'. This Sunday at 8 p.m. in Sacred Trinity, Salford.

Technorati Tags: Sanctus1
film night
Film night, presented by www.sanctus1.co.uk
1st Sunday of the month at Nexus, Northern Quarter, Manchester
Doors: 6.30pm Film starts: 7pm prompt
If you want to stay and explore the film’s themes and issues:
Post-film discussion: 9.15pm onwards Evening ends: no later than 10pm
(otherwise please feel free to leave in the break after the film ends)
You can bring your own food. Drinks and snacks available on the night.
There will be a selection of film and spiritual books on sale.

The Outsider
A series of four films exploring alienation, isolation, exclusion and ‘the other’
1st October - Donnie Darko: Director’s Cut (15)
5th November - Kes (PG)
3rd December - Old Boy (18)
7th January - The Life Aquatic (15)
Heroes and Villains
A series of four films exploring the good, the bad and the rest of us…
4th February - The Proposition (18)
4th March - House of Flying Daggers (15)
1st April - Leon (18)
6th May - 15 Minutes (18)
1st Sunday of the month at Nexus, Northern Quarter, Manchester
Doors: 6.30pm Film starts: 7pm prompt
If you want to stay and explore the film’s themes and issues:
Post-film discussion: 9.15pm onwards Evening ends: no later than 10pm
(otherwise please feel free to leave in the break after the film ends)
You can bring your own food. Drinks and snacks available on the night.
There will be a selection of film and spiritual books on sale.
The Outsider
A series of four films exploring alienation, isolation, exclusion and ‘the other’
1st October - Donnie Darko: Director’s Cut (15)
5th November - Kes (PG)
3rd December - Old Boy (18)
7th January - The Life Aquatic (15)
Heroes and Villains
A series of four films exploring the good, the bad and the rest of us…
4th February - The Proposition (18)
4th March - House of Flying Daggers (15)
1st April - Leon (18)
6th May - 15 Minutes (18)
Want to scrap a law?
The Lib-Dem conference has started in Brighton, and their home affairs man, Nick Clegg, has launched a website called the great repeal act. It invites the public to suggest a law to scrap, and starts by suggesting 10 laws least needed. Quite a novel move really, normally politicians are sniffing around for laws to create, not abolish!
What was most refreshing was Nick's speech, where he gave the most confident and robust, yet heartfelt and sensitive defence of British Liberalism I've ever heard of any modern politician.
He ended with these words: "... but we now face an equally momentous challenge, to safeguard our society from new threats, but to do so by cherishing, not trampling on the very values and virtues that some seek to destroy. Not by creating false enemies, but by winning new friends. Not by taking away our historic freedom, but by enlarging all our freedom. Not by pandering to the powerful, but by defending the weak."
Moving stuff.
Welcome to mcr
...and now in a break from the me-related posts… ;-)
Manchester’s home to about 100,000 students, and this week it’s Freshers’ (induction) Week for the University of Manchester amongst others. And, boy, can you tell?! There are hundreds of them, up and down Oxford Road, looking young, wearing their Monday best, going to the poster sales, trying to work out how to buy a buss pass, and generally creating lots of litter… Welcome – we’re glad to see you all!
Freshers’ Week - it’s meant to be the “best week of your life”. Frankly, it’s rarely that, and more often a week of loneliness, depression and angst. If I’m honest I was pretty scared for most of mine – trying too hard to impress, feeling lost in more ways than one, and working out where that £200 had gone…
A few of the internal questions I (and others I’ve talked to about this) remember asking: What should I wear? Who are they? Is she my friend? Where’s that building? How do I do that? Aren’t I meant to be somewhere right now? Where’s that piece of paper? Is this all it’s cracked up to be? Should I have another drink? Have I drunk too much? Why is everyone having a better time? Does he like me? Am I ever going to fit in?
And it’s not just on my mind because it’s taking me twice as long to walk down the road as normal… but also because our service next week is based around ‘hope’ – something I think I (and other students) clung to during the first week.
I hope it gets better. I hope it gets easier. I hope this isn’t it…
Manchester’s home to about 100,000 students, and this week it’s Freshers’ (induction) Week for the University of Manchester amongst others. And, boy, can you tell?! There are hundreds of them, up and down Oxford Road, looking young, wearing their Monday best, going to the poster sales, trying to work out how to buy a buss pass, and generally creating lots of litter… Welcome – we’re glad to see you all!
Freshers’ Week - it’s meant to be the “best week of your life”. Frankly, it’s rarely that, and more often a week of loneliness, depression and angst. If I’m honest I was pretty scared for most of mine – trying too hard to impress, feeling lost in more ways than one, and working out where that £200 had gone…
A few of the internal questions I (and others I’ve talked to about this) remember asking: What should I wear? Who are they? Is she my friend? Where’s that building? How do I do that? Aren’t I meant to be somewhere right now? Where’s that piece of paper? Is this all it’s cracked up to be? Should I have another drink? Have I drunk too much? Why is everyone having a better time? Does he like me? Am I ever going to fit in?
And it’s not just on my mind because it’s taking me twice as long to walk down the road as normal… but also because our service next week is based around ‘hope’ – something I think I (and other students) clung to during the first week.
I hope it gets better. I hope it gets easier. I hope this isn’t it…
Bore of the Worlds
I've just put a post about this Spielberg/ Cruise waste-of-space on my other site...
(Ooops gave away my opinion there!)
(Ooops gave away my opinion there!)
Who else blogs in Sanctus1?
I'm trying to collate a list of sanctus1 bloggers (I don't know why) but i may add a list of links down the side. These are the people I've got so far- I've missed Janet's and Jule's because i don't know their blog addresses. Can you add anyone i've missed in the comments please. Also should I include myspace people?
Rob and Myn
Rob and Myn
Technorati Tags: Manchester, Sanctus1
"Fresh expressions" Songs of Praise
You can't control the message
That's been my message, memo to self and moto for the last five years. And now you can see how little I can control the message on my blog.
Sigh. Yes I succumbed. And I've already been outed by a few peeps.
Besides I figured there have to be better places than here to wibble on about herons and the latest films that I've seen and that I can now buy pints of milk in glass bottles...
Never fear, I'll still be here. Just less often. And hopefully with less of my gubbins.
Sigh. Yes I succumbed. And I've already been outed by a few peeps.
Besides I figured there have to be better places than here to wibble on about herons and the latest films that I've seen and that I can now buy pints of milk in glass bottles...
Never fear, I'll still be here. Just less often. And hopefully with less of my gubbins.
Hold up your badge
I ended up watching LA Confidential again last night on the newly, brilliantly free FilmFour. I hadn’t intended to but it’s one of those films that just sucks you in and then two and a half hours later…
The art direction and design are flawless (you *are* in 1950s Los Angeles), the narrative and characters satisfyingly complex and believable - overall one of Hollywood’s finer moments. (Here’s hoping for The Black Dahlia, opening this weekend. And everyone said a James Ellroy movie-of-the-book couldn’t be made…)
The fabulous thing about a film this layered is that each time you view it, something new angles its way out of the screen at you. And I don’t just mean the twisty nuances of the three-cops-investigating-a-multiple-homicide plot.
There’s “Hollywood Jack” Vincennes with his bribes and celebrity, Bud White with his enforcer brutality and angry, violent past, and Ed Exley with his adherence to the rulebook and his determination to get ahead. These are their “badges” – of rank and standing, of honour, of respect, of doing what needs to be done to get the job done.
And last night what I saw afresh was that each of these three cops chooses to tear down the very thing that is seen to make them great – by trying to make belated amends for a bad call, kicking the violent habit in favour of some thoughtful investigation, and finally breaking the rules for the greater good. The thing that makes them, that gives them their name, their fame, their reputations and reward – their “badge” - is the very thing that they choose to tear down, to take the wrecking ball to…
Bud White: The Night Owl case made you. Do you want to tear all that down?
Ed Exley: With a wrecking ball. You want to help me swing it?
Each of them is trying to find their own place in the topsy-turvy world of justice and morality.
Hey – welcome to the real world and the 21 century. Hold up your badge.
Time Out Manchester
Launches next week see here. The first one is to coincide with the labour party conference, and then a weekly magazine is being launched from Spring 07. See the Manchizzle for more details.
Technorati Tags: Manchester
Tonight's Sanctus1
Sanctus1 tonight is the launch of the exhibition Northern quarter 4eva at Nexus - 6-8
Followed by II in the bay horse - 8 - till bedtime

It will be fun...
Followed by II in the bay horse - 8 - till bedtime
It will be fun...
Technorati Tags: emerging church, Manchester, Sanctus1
What's happening II-day?
'Tracks' will be the theme of the next II, which happens from 8pm tonight (September 6th) at the Bay Horse, Manchester - admission free.
This will be Sanctus1 and Squeaky Productions' eighth wondrous night of electronic music and curious visuals under the banner of II.
Booked to appear this time round are - wait for it - DJ Raven from Ara, The Thin Controller performing a 'tracks'-themed set, and your reliable resident DJ Fat Roland. We will also be joined by a real life train guard, who will be keeping order during the evening.
More information can be unearthed on my Fat Roland website, while you mustn't forget the very exciting launch of Northern Quarter 4eva beforehand at Nexus.
It's hard to keep 'track' of it all. Geddit!!?!?!?!!??!
This will be Sanctus1 and Squeaky Productions' eighth wondrous night of electronic music and curious visuals under the banner of II.
Booked to appear this time round are - wait for it - DJ Raven from Ara, The Thin Controller performing a 'tracks'-themed set, and your reliable resident DJ Fat Roland. We will also be joined by a real life train guard, who will be keeping order during the evening.
More information can be unearthed on my Fat Roland website, while you mustn't forget the very exciting launch of Northern Quarter 4eva beforehand at Nexus.
It's hard to keep 'track' of it all. Geddit!!?!?!?!!??!
Nexus Art Exhibition on the bbc...
I gave an interview to the BBC today about our exhibition Northern Quarter 4eva. You can see it here.
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