A brilliant stock photography website that I've just come across for work.
Signs you’ve been in Manchester too long…
1. You go mad when somebody who is not from Manchester says 'mad fer it', "Nobody says that EVER!" you scream.
2. You say 'mad fer it' when back in Manchester.
3. You support Man City out of principle.
4. You see Coronation Street stars all the time and think nothing of it.
5. You think Londoners are 'soft southern ******s'... until they kick your head in at a footie match.
6. You get a freckle and consider yourself 'sun-tanned'.
7. You deny that it rains all the time... as you struggle home with the shopping in yet another torrential downpour.
8. People start yawning when you talk about how great Manchester is.
(thanks for this one Sec C!)
2. You say 'mad fer it' when back in Manchester.
3. You support Man City out of principle.
4. You see Coronation Street stars all the time and think nothing of it.
5. You think Londoners are 'soft southern ******s'... until they kick your head in at a footie match.
6. You get a freckle and consider yourself 'sun-tanned'.
7. You deny that it rains all the time... as you struggle home with the shopping in yet another torrential downpour.
8. People start yawning when you talk about how great Manchester is.
(thanks for this one Sec C!)
Our Big Brother, who art in television...
Big Brother, who art in television, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Send us this day our Loafers and the vicious.
Forgive us our trespasses, and Shove thy neighbour as thy neighbour would shove you.
And lead us not into temptation, for We are the trite of the world.
And so In nomine Patri, Filii, et Fratri Magni, in the name of the Father, Son and holy votes. Sod'em all, I'll be gone tomorrah.
(an amusing follow up to the previous posts about BB being a Christian parable for our times from the BBC Magazine Monitor/ Blog: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/4110266.stm)
Thy kingdom come, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Send us this day our Loafers and the vicious.
Forgive us our trespasses, and Shove thy neighbour as thy neighbour would shove you.
And lead us not into temptation, for We are the trite of the world.
And so In nomine Patri, Filii, et Fratri Magni, in the name of the Father, Son and holy votes. Sod'em all, I'll be gone tomorrah.
(an amusing follow up to the previous posts about BB being a Christian parable for our times from the BBC Magazine Monitor/ Blog: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/4110266.stm)
Sanctus1 Service
Sanctus1 invite you to:
An exploration into exclusion and embrace.
Date: Sunday 26th June
Time: 8 pm
Location: Sacred Trinity, Salford
Big Brother and Sister
An interesting take on how a C4 boss thinks that BB is a modern parable...
Personally I think that this series is not that compelling (and that's coming from someone who watched all the other series avidly).
But whilst we're on the subject of TV - how good has Doctor Who been! Belatedly watched the last episode last night and IMHO thought that that had more to say as a modern parable than 13 strangers getting drunk, making false displays of affection and arguing about cleaning up... It showed us what happens when you have the power to look into the heart of time and space, how to take responsibility with a kiss, and the possibilities of dying to live again.
(And to David Tennant, with those new teeth - Barcelona here we come...)
Personally I think that this series is not that compelling (and that's coming from someone who watched all the other series avidly).
But whilst we're on the subject of TV - how good has Doctor Who been! Belatedly watched the last episode last night and IMHO thought that that had more to say as a modern parable than 13 strangers getting drunk, making false displays of affection and arguing about cleaning up... It showed us what happens when you have the power to look into the heart of time and space, how to take responsibility with a kiss, and the possibilities of dying to live again.
(And to David Tennant, with those new teeth - Barcelona here we come...)
Evaluation of the emeging church from Alan Roxburgh
This is probably the best, most balanced assessment of the whole emerging church movement that I have seen, highlighting both strengths and weaknesses...
Plus Ben and Sanctus1 get a mention! (It seems to be a follow-up article to Ben's jolly to California back in April).
Plus Ben and Sanctus1 get a mention! (It seems to be a follow-up article to Ben's jolly to California back in April).
Blah...manchester - Andrew Jones
“AGGREGATION: The Emerging Church According to Manchester”
We are delighted that Andrew Jones (AKA Tall Skinny Kiwi) will be joining us for the second blah...manchester. Andrew Jones is one of the leading global voices on the emerging church and emerging culture. Originally from New Zealand, he has ministered around the world for the last 20 years and has pastored churches in Australia and USA and is currently living of the Orkney Islands. He is the Project Director of BOAZ, a Consultant for BGCT and an Associate of DAWN Ministries. Andrew blogs at http://tallskinnykiwi.typepad.com/
He will present “AGGREGATION: The Emerging Church According to Manchester”
blah...manchester is a series of conversations hosted by CMS in partnership with The Church Army and Manchester Diocesan Board of Education in 2005 on mission, worship, church and Christianity in today’s rapidly changing culture. It’s a time to keep listening, chatting and reflecting as God beckons us into the future.
Tuesday 26 July 6:30-8:30pm Drinks and refreshments provided Admission free
Drinks served from 6:30
Input begins at 7:00
We have a limited number of places. It would help us to know in advance if you're coming, so please book a place and turn up!
E-mail Ben Edson on:
Venue: Church House Training Suite, Fourth Floor, 90 Deansgate, Manchester, M3 2GH.
(For directions see www.multimap.com)
No, not gliding down hills with your feet off the pedals... this is much more fun!
Freecycle is a website/ organisation where you can list stuff that you want to give away. Like a free version of Loot/ E-bay. Nice!
There was an article on the BBC Magazine today:
And the Manchester "branch" is here - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ManchesterFreeCycle/ - but they are all over the UK, and international too.
Freecycle is a website/ organisation where you can list stuff that you want to give away. Like a free version of Loot/ E-bay. Nice!
There was an article on the BBC Magazine today:
And the Manchester "branch" is here - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ManchesterFreeCycle/ - but they are all over the UK, and international too.
Happy Birthday, Aung San Suu Kyi!
Aung San Suu Kyi is 60 tomorrow. She is the leader of Burma's pro-democracy opposition which, despite winning 82% of the seats in Burma's last general election in 1990, has never been allowed to take office. Burma is ruled by a military junta which has kept her under house arrest or in detention for nearly 10 of the last 16 years (source: The Guardian, 18 June 2005)
So she's spending her birthday alone. I'm sending her a birthday card, c/o the Burmese (or Union of Myanmar, as they prefer to be known - the name's a political thing too) Embassy, with my name and address in it saying "happy birthday, wishing you freedom and democracy". Just to remind them that we know their regime is illegal and oppressive. Here's the address:
Aung San Suu Kyi
c/o Mr U Nay Win
Embassy of the Union of Myanmar
19A Charles Street
Berkeley Square
It's a small thing, but letters to political prisoners do make a difference. Amnesty International use the following quote from a former prisoner of conscience in the Dominican Republic: "When the first 200 letters came, the guards gave me back my clothes. Then the next 200 letters came and the prison director came to see me... The letters kept coming; three thousand of them. The President was informed. The letters still kept arriving and the President called the prison and told them to let me go". Please do this small thing to make a difference.
p.s. in the amount of time it's taken to read this, you could have found a card and written it...
So she's spending her birthday alone. I'm sending her a birthday card, c/o the Burmese (or Union of Myanmar, as they prefer to be known - the name's a political thing too) Embassy, with my name and address in it saying "happy birthday, wishing you freedom and democracy". Just to remind them that we know their regime is illegal and oppressive. Here's the address:
Aung San Suu Kyi
c/o Mr U Nay Win
Embassy of the Union of Myanmar
19A Charles Street
Berkeley Square
It's a small thing, but letters to political prisoners do make a difference. Amnesty International use the following quote from a former prisoner of conscience in the Dominican Republic: "When the first 200 letters came, the guards gave me back my clothes. Then the next 200 letters came and the prison director came to see me... The letters kept coming; three thousand of them. The President was informed. The letters still kept arriving and the President called the prison and told them to let me go". Please do this small thing to make a difference.
p.s. in the amount of time it's taken to read this, you could have found a card and written it...
It doesn't work for Sanctus1, but I wonder...
We spend so much time searching about the true meaning and nature of the Sanctus1 community... and all the answers are here!
We spend so much time searching about the true meaning and nature of the Sanctus1 community... and all the answers are here!
The Jesus Deck: Mind Body Spirit 2005
We're going to be at the MInd Body Spirit fair again this year. It's a three day festival and yesterday we had some training for the team of people that are going to be staffing the stall. I really enjoy the weekend and find it absolutely fascinating experience and enjoy the dialogue with spiritual searchers.
This year we're thinking of using 'The Jesus Deck', a pack of Tarot cards that John Drane told us about. The cards have no major arkana cards, there are only four suits of 13 cards each, plus two non-identical jokers, on each card is an image and a piece of Biblical text.
Luke, the first suit, starts with the birth of Christ.
Matthew continues the story with Jesus's earthly mission & miracles.
Mark tells the story of Holy Week & the Crucifixion.
John shows us the Risen Christ.
I think what we'll do is have a table with the cards on face down. We'll then ask people to select one and when they do we'll tell them about the story that it relates to in the Gospels.
At other MBS festivals we offered healing from a christian tradition and a variety of spiritual installations. The Jesus Deck feels like we're taking it a step further and hence I'm a bit more cautious. Has anyone out there ever used them? Or do they have any constructive advice on them?
This year we're thinking of using 'The Jesus Deck', a pack of Tarot cards that John Drane told us about. The cards have no major arkana cards, there are only four suits of 13 cards each, plus two non-identical jokers, on each card is an image and a piece of Biblical text.
Luke, the first suit, starts with the birth of Christ.
Matthew continues the story with Jesus's earthly mission & miracles.
Mark tells the story of Holy Week & the Crucifixion.
John shows us the Risen Christ.
I think what we'll do is have a table with the cards on face down. We'll then ask people to select one and when they do we'll tell them about the story that it relates to in the Gospels.
At other MBS festivals we offered healing from a christian tradition and a variety of spiritual installations. The Jesus Deck feels like we're taking it a step further and hence I'm a bit more cautious. Has anyone out there ever used them? Or do they have any constructive advice on them?
URGENT!!! - bookings for Edinburgh rally, July 2
Hello peeps.
If you want to come on the organised coach up to Edinburgh (and have the delightful company of me, Eva and Ben on the bus), you only have 24 hours! Swans Travel coaches website stops accepting bookings tomorrow (Friday 17th) at 3pm...
If you want to travel up with us, we are taking the coach which leaves from the Manchester pick-up point (presumably city centre).
This leaves at 6am and returns at about 6pm, more detail on the site.
I know some people are making their own way up... For more information on the rally, check out the official website:
More media appearances...
I'm going to be on TV on Sunday... On the Heaven and Earth show again, which is on BBC 1, I think. Apparently we're talkking about pic 'n' mix spirituality, which should be interesting.
We're about to launch our third Sanctus1 group (21st June). It's gonna be on a Tuesday night at 7:30 in Nexus (just off Oldham Street, in the Northern Quarter). There are about 10 pioneering people from Sanctus1 who are going to launch this new venture. It is also exciting as it is in partnership with the methodists in the city centre.

It's a neutral space and I think it will be far more accessible to those who have no experience of Church. We're also going to be working with the methodists to open the Night Cafe later in the summer, which will be in Nexus and hopefully allow people to feed into Sanctus@Nexus.
It's a neutral space and I think it will be far more accessible to those who have no experience of Church. We're also going to be working with the methodists to open the Night Cafe later in the summer, which will be in Nexus and hopefully allow people to feed into Sanctus@Nexus.
Sanctus2nds: Handle with Care
Sanctus2nds is an intergenerational service that Sanctus1 run every 2nd Sunday at 4 pm in Sacred Trinity.
Open to people of all ages, Sanctus2nds is a sanctuary for creativity, reflection and socialising. Sanctus2nds will feature a cafe space to refresh your body, a creative space to inspire your mind, and a prayer space to nurture your soul; building an environment to encounter Christ.
There is a service this sunday, 12th June, called Handle with Care. Hope that you can come.
All fm
I was on the radio (ALL FM) this morning, talking about Church Army and Sanctus1 - I quite enjoyed it. It was fascinating to dialogue with a person (who has never been to Sanctus1) about his perceptions of it. He picked up some interesting points of heterogeneity and about consumer church, which I thought that I dealt with very well!!
The hardest part was picking three pieces of music to play, in the end i decided on:
Inspiral Carpets - This is how it feels.
Spiritualized - Lord can you hear me?
Groove Armada - Think Twice.
The hardest part was picking three pieces of music to play, in the end i decided on:
Inspiral Carpets - This is how it feels.
Spiritualized - Lord can you hear me?
Groove Armada - Think Twice.
II - A night of electronica and creative media
Here's a flyer for the next II. II is a club night in Cord, in the Nortern Quarter, that is hosted by Sanctus1 and is fantastic! The next one is on Wednesday - 8th June from 8-11.
not such great news...
if you do believe the truth... (as Oasis might not say).
if you do believe the truth... (as Oasis might not say).
Lego teaching aid...
If you're finding the Genesis stories we're doing at the moment confusing, fear not! The Brick Testament has them all in Lego format - Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel and all those other crazy guys!
And when you've finished all of Genesis, there's plenty more where that came from. I think someone has too much time on their hands...
And when you've finished all of Genesis, there's plenty more where that came from. I think someone has too much time on their hands...
Steve Collin's Rant...
Some interesting thoughts by Steve, particularly for Sanctus1 as a community that has close ties to the institution.
I think that the comments need to be listened to and reflected on. My immediate, unreflective, reaction is to agree with the fact that Christian theology is centred on death and resurrection, but to also highlight the fact that although Christ's post-resurrection body was different it was also still recognisably him. Christ did not die and come back a completely different person, he was resurrected as fully man and fully God - Still the same person.
Therefore what does this mean in regard to the death of the Church. I think that it is a bit naive to say that the institutional church will die and disappear and something new will emerge. I think that it is far more likely that the church will go through a process of radical reform; a death in certain areas and new life in others. It will fragment, dissolve and disappear fully in places but I do not believe that it will die and cease to exist.
Perhaps I'm just an optimist and protecting my pension...
I think that the comments need to be listened to and reflected on. My immediate, unreflective, reaction is to agree with the fact that Christian theology is centred on death and resurrection, but to also highlight the fact that although Christ's post-resurrection body was different it was also still recognisably him. Christ did not die and come back a completely different person, he was resurrected as fully man and fully God - Still the same person.
Therefore what does this mean in regard to the death of the Church. I think that it is a bit naive to say that the institutional church will die and disappear and something new will emerge. I think that it is far more likely that the church will go through a process of radical reform; a death in certain areas and new life in others. It will fragment, dissolve and disappear fully in places but I do not believe that it will die and cease to exist.
Perhaps I'm just an optimist and protecting my pension...
power is a state of mind
The Assassination of Richard Nixon: http://www.powerisastateofmind.com/
Coolest site I've seen in a while..
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