II, which is pronounced 'two' and not 'aye aye', is set to return on June 8th.
Set in the lavatresque basement of the Northern Quarter's Cord Bar, II is an evening of electronic audio loveliness and eye-smooching visuals. In the past, we have experienced the joys of the cool Kid Mingus, the mellow Mike Fallows and the, er, voluptuous visuals of Kol and Fil.
I am yet to finalise the date with Cord bar. Although their diary is free on June 8th, I still need to check with Brian who is in charge and knows things. I have just spoken to him, but the best response I got was "can you phone back during the day tomorrow, we're a bit busy at the moment". Which will teach me to phone a bar in Manchester at 9pm on a Friday. Stupid Fats.
II is carving a niche in mellow electronica and warm visuals, but I am open to the idea of sending it off on a tangent. If you have any kooky ideas, just let me know.
Watch this up for blogdates.
Eyan / Fat Roland
I arrived in LA yesterday for a consultation on the future training on emerging church leaders. I'm looking forward to it and the opportunity to catch up with a few people and no doubt making more friends. I'm off to find the mac shop in Pasadena today and will hopefully begin to catch up from the Jet lagg. The place i'm staying in has Wi-fi, which makes life a whole lot easier...
Sanctus1 Service - Prophetic Politics
With the impending general election we have a service focused on the political nature of our faith. It won't be party political but will explore the prophetic manifesto of Isaiah.
It starts at 8pm on Sunday night (24th April) and is in Manchester Cathedral.
Hope to see you there.
It starts at 8pm on Sunday night (24th April) and is in Manchester Cathedral.
Hope to see you there.
On Tuesday evening we had the the first Blah...manchester. Jonny Baker spoke on Probes: Getting under the sking on the emerging church. He used the Marshall McLuhan book the 'The Medium is the Massage' as a cataylst to introduce the probes on the emerging church. It was a fantastic night, extremely stimulating and a positive launch to this new venture.
Mail Order Chickens...
If you've ever ordered an ethical gift, now's not your chance with this site...
Proves that Christian Aid has a great sense of humour, and an even better sense of justice.
Proves that Christian Aid has a great sense of humour, and an even better sense of justice.
Sanctus2nds Pictures and thoughts
I thought that Sanctus2nds was superb last sunday, it had such a positive feel to it. It was great to have people from all different generations there enjoying the Sanctus1 experience. The cafe space provided a central area which was where we had the start, a story, communion and the close. There was also a creative zone and a prayer space...all in all it was a good experience. Next one is on May 8th
Fresh Expressions
I was invited to Lambeth Palace last night to speak about Sanctus1 to the Lambeth Partners and the Archbishop. The Lambeth Partners is the charity that supports the Archbishop's Fresh Expressions initiative. Rev. Steve Croft is heading up Fresh Expressions and is pulling a team of people together to develop the work and to encourage fresh expressions of church www.freshexpressions.org.uk.

Rowan Williams was extremely encouraging regarding fresh expressions; it is fantastic to have an Archbishop who is so supportive.
Rowan Williams was extremely encouraging regarding fresh expressions; it is fantastic to have an Archbishop who is so supportive.
AlternativeEmerging Yahoo! Group
Folks may be interested of a new UK (primarily) based alt.worship and emerging church Yahoo! Group. (For those who aren't familiar with Yahoo! Groups, they're basically e-mail lists with some extra bits).
Here's the blurb:
Here's the blurb:
This list is for anyone interested in Alternative Worship or Emerging Church. Its a chance to discuss theories, share creative worship ideas,tricks and tips, and a place where you can ask practical questions such as "How do we get started" or "where do you get your music from?"If you're interested you can join here.
Global Week of Action - 10-16 April 2005
Just in case you weren't aware, the Global Week of Action on trade justice kicked off yesterday. Find out what is going on globally on the official media site.
To find out what is happening in the UK, you can look at the UK page on the global site, or check out the Make Poverty History or Trade Justice Movement websites.
To find out what is happening in the UK, you can look at the UK page on the global site, or check out the Make Poverty History or Trade Justice Movement websites.
New Life: a post Easter celebration
Sunday 10th April: 4 - 5 p.m.
Sacred Trinity Church, Chapel Street, Salford.
Open to people of all ages, Sanctus2nds is a sanctuary for creativity, reflection and socialising. Sanctus2nds will feature a cafe space to refresh your body, a creative space to inspire your mind, and a prayer space to nurture your soul; building an environment to encounter Christ.
Sanctus2nds will also feature an under 5’s play space.
The Pope was...
"...the Big Rabbi who looked after the people with the Christmas trees".
(Said by a young Jewish girl taught by my colleague's sister.)
(Said by a young Jewish girl taught by my colleague's sister.)
Pope John Paul II
The Pope has died today, I don't know a lot about him but judging from the media coverage he was a remarkable man, he seems to have been able to reach out to so many people of many ages and many cultures. Truely a man of God; may he rest in peace.
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